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Nice little game, I like that shadow hides your view, and lighting and wind affect the terrain, really smart!

I won at round 14, the only thing I have to say is that maybe the healer range is too strong, you can just launch your healing from too far without him talking damage at all.


I died once before I understood the mechanics, but I beat the normal level!!

Love my cheese wizards. Fun game!


I definitely feel the game's view obstruction can be a bit too much in places, but really fun!


Such a cute game! Big fan of the cheese. I think this would be a fun game to pass the time with if you decide to flesh it out after the jam Some additions could include more wizards, spell upgrades, different movement patterns for wizards/enemies and more. This prototype is a fun concept that is well executed, especially with the time limit in mind. 

The only other constructive feedback I can provide right now is that killing the enemies took a long time (for me at least). Maybe this is intentional and/or I'm not in the target audience for games like these, but it is something to consider. :) 

Great work!


The Wizard Council Gameplay


Nice game, NICE CHEESE, wizard has cool beard. looks like 10/10. Seriously though, only thing is aoe skills are obstructing visibility too much. Besides that its a cool funny game. Cheese!


It's vry nice game, with nice music in the background and some cool mechanics. However I feel like the skillshots have to big area of effect. Especiialy the darkness thing. I couldnt see a thing


Excellent concept! My only critique is its very hard to predict how effective a spell is going to be and what is actually going on. A mechanic that shows damage/healing in advance of taking an action would be super helpful in strategizing. Also maybe an undo & skip turn option would be nice too. Lovely UI & art with a fun concept. Good job!

I will definitely improve on damage visibility and a other quality of life things. Not sure about the undo, will think about it! Thanks for playing and I appreciate the feedback :)


Fromage. Hon hon.




nice game


Great game!


 cool game,cool cheese wizard,cool face,cool cool




That's quite some funny idea - i like it! :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Very fun! Managed to get them on turn 24! But it was a brutal battle. The crowning feature is 100% the Cheese Wizard. One feature that I'd like to see would be health bars on the wizards portraits so that it's a little easier to track when it's shadow chaos :D